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21:2-1. Short title of act
This chapter may be cited as the "fireworks regulation law".
21:2-2. General definitions
As used in this chapter:
“Fireworks” include any combustible or explosive composition, or any substance or combination of substances, or article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or an audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, but shall not include sparkling devices and novelties.
“Fireworks factory building” means any building or other structure in which the manufacture of fireworks, other than sparklers, or in which any processing involving fireworks other than sparklers, is carried on.
“Fireworks plant” means and includes all lands, with buildings thereon, used in connection with the manufacturing or processing of fireworks, as well as storehouses located thereon for the storage of finished fireworks.
“Highway” means any public street, public alley, public road, or navigable stream.
“Navigable streams” mean streams susceptible of being used, in their ordinary condition, as highways of commerce, over which trade and travel are or may be conducted in the customary modes, but shall not include streams which are not capable of navigation by barges, tugboats, and other large vessels.
“Railroad” means any steam, electric or other railroad which carries passengers for hire, but shall not include sidings or spur tracks installed primarily for the use of the fireworks plant.
“Sparkling devices and novelties” mean:
a. wood sticks or wire sparklers of not more than 100 grams of pyrotechnic mixture per item;
b. hand held or ground based sparkling devices which are non-explosive and non-aerial, which may produce a crackling or whistling effect, and contain 75 grams or less of pyrotechnic composition per tube or a total of 500 grams or less for multiple tubes; and
c. snakes and glow worms, smoke devices, and trick noisemakers, which include party poppers, snappers, and drop pops, each consisting of 25/100 grains or less of explosive mixture.
21:2-3. "Dangerous fireworks" defined
“Dangerous fireworks” mean the following:
Toy torpedoes containing more than 5 grains of an explosive composition.
Paper caps containing more than .35 grain of explosive composition.
Firecrackers or salutes exceeding 5 inches in length or 3/4 inch in diameter.
Cannons, canes, pistols or other devices designed for use otherwise than with paper caps.
Any fireworks containing a compound or mixture of yellow or white phosphorous or mercury.
Any fireworks that contain a detonator or blasting cap.
Fireworks compositions that ignite spontaneously or undergo marked decomposition when subjected for 48 consecutive hours to a temperature of 167 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fireworks that can be exploded en masse by a blasting cap placed in one of the units or by impact of a rifle bullet or otherwise.
Fireworks, such as fusees, containing a match tip, or head, or similar igniting point or surface, unless each individual tip, head or igniting point or surface is thoroughly covered and securely protected from accidental contact or friction with any other surface.
Fireworks containing an ammonium salt and a chlorate.
21:2-6. Dangerous fireworks prohibited
It shall be unlawful to manufacture, sell, transport or use dangerous fireworks within the state.
21:2-36. Delivery of fireworks prohibited; exceptions
a. A person shall not knowingly deliver fireworks to a person within this State unless the person to whom delivery is to be made is named on a valid permit obtained pursuant to R.S. 21:3-1 et seq. as the person authorized to receive fireworks or unless the person is the owner, manager, or designated employee acting as the agent of the owner or manager, of a legally operated commercial enterprise registered pursuant to section 10 of P.L.1991, c.55 (C.21:2-37). At the time of delivery, the person receiving the fireworks shall make the permit or registration available to the person making delivery for review and the number of the permit or registration held by the receiver shall be recorded on each bill of lading, manifest or invoice issued to cover the sale and shipment of the fireworks. A record of the bill of lading, manifest, or invoice shall be retained by the person making delivery for a period of three years and shall be available for inspection by municipal enforcement authorities, the Department of Labor, or other law enforcement authorities.
A package to be delivered to a person who does not have a valid permit or registration shall be turned over to the local municipal law enforcement authority who in turn shall notify the Office of Safety Compliance in the Department of Labor.
b. A package containing fireworks prepared by a manufacturer, supplier or seller for shipment or transportation into or within this State to a purchaser or receiver shall be labeled in accordance with the requirements of State and federal law, and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to those laws, concerning the transportation of hazardous materials.
Notwithstanding the penalty set forth in R.S. 21:2-35, a violation of this section is a disorderly persons offense.